Search Results

All search results for . 11561-11570 of 19508 results.

Informs News: Ready for Rotterdam - 2017 INFORMS Healthcare Conference
...All over the world, healthcare organizations are being challenged by obstacles ...

Harvard Business Review 2014
...At the INFORMS analytics conference in Boston this spring, the lineup was ...

2014 Edelman Gala

CDC Wins the 2014 Franz Edelman Award

Transportation Science Editor-in-Chief Michel Gendreau
...The editor-in-chief of this leading journal in operations research and all forms...

The Sports Analytics Explosion
...By Gary Cokins and Dave SchraderThe June 2016 issue of OR/MS Today included an ...

INFORMS Journal on Computing Editor-in-Chief David Woodruff
...The editor-in-chief of this leading journal in operations research and computer ...

Ada Lovelace: ‘poetical scientist’
...In secret we met...

INFORMS Transactions on Education Editor-in-Chief Armann Ingolfsson
...The editor-in-chief of this leading journal in operations research discusses ...

Industry Job Search Panel
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...