Search Results

All search results for . 11521-11530 of 19508 results.

Inside Story
...In search of history...

Crowd-Squared: Amplifying the Predictive Power of Large-Scale Crowd-Based Data
...Large-scale data generated by crowds provide a myriad of opportunities for ...

...Any port in a storm...

Platform Investment in Third Party Content Development
...Many two-sided platforms (e.g. eBay, Google, iOS, Android, Twitter, Amazon, etc...

Firms' Social Media Efforts, Consumer Behavior, and Firm Performance: Evidence from Facebook
...This study theorizes and empirically examines how firms' social media efforts - ...

Booz Allen Hamilton
...By David KletterA leading technology and consulting firm, Booz Allen Hamilton ...

Informs News: Conference chair Maher Lahmar - Welcome to the best show in Vegas!
...Maher LahmarFollowing is an interview with Maher Lahmar, solution executive, ...

Customer Data Acquisition and Selection: A Value-Based Design and Analysis
...In this paper, we study customer data acquisition and selection problem when the...

Informs News: Fall 2016 Roundtable meeting roundup
...The fall 2016 INFORMS Roundtable meeting was held on Nov. 12-13 at the Omni ...

Competition Among Proprietery and Open Source Software Firms
...Competition among Proprietary and Open Source Software Firms: The Role of ...