Search Results

All search results for . 11501-11510 of 19508 results.

Customers are from Mars, Managers are from Venus
...Customers are from Mars, Managers are from Venus: Deriving Customer Satisfaction...

Pooyan Kazemian
...What prompted you to enter this field? Why?I didnt fully realize the ...

Understanding Word-of-Mouth and Customer Engagement on Facebook Business Pages
...This paper studies user-generated posts on Facebook business pages and their ...

An Optimal Effort Allocation and Release Policy for Agile Software Development
...Incremental development and release has the obvious advantage that users begin ...

Gerard Cachon
...What interest do you have outside of work that might surprise us?Diving and ...

Rethinking Readmission as a Hospital Quality Metric
...Rethinking Readmission as a Hospital Quality Metric: Insurance Coverage and ...

Media Interactions and Follower Growth
...Poster Slam video for research project "Media Interactions and Follower ...

Information Revelation in B2B Sequential Auctions
...Should auctioneers reveal as much information as possible in sequential auctions...

Linguistic Features and Loan Quality: A Machine Learning Approach
...Our research studies the role of texts in Crowdfunding. Borrowers write texts ...

INFORMS in the News
...Top jobs, blood supply and more...