Search Results

All search results for . 11541-11550 of 19508 results.

Aiming at a more cost-efficient census via online data collection
...Aiming at a more cost-efficient census via online data collection: Privacy trade...

Baring out with iron hands: Can disclosing make us harsher?
...Brief and funny video summarizing how social norms affect our online disclosures...

...By Kathy LangeSAS is the worlds largest privately held software company, with...

Analytics 3.0: Where Big Data and Traditional Analytics Meet (Excerpt

Informs News: Business Analytics Conference ready to roll into Las Vegas
...The 2017 INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research will...

Twitter, 2014 INFORMS Edelman Competition Finalist
...Ruslan Belkin, former Twitter Vice President for Engineering Search and Content...

Tallys Hoover Yunes
...Which INFORMS event are you most looking forward to this year?I wasnt able to...

Informs News: Plenary - Advanced analytics at American Airlines
...Jim Diamond, managing director of operations research and advanced analytics at ...

...By Gijs Dullaert and Gertjan de LangeParagon Decision Technology originated with...

CDC, 2014 INFORMS Edelman Competition Winner
...Dr. Mark Pallansch explains how the CDC uses analytics and operations research ...