All search results for . 4281-4290 of 20203 results.
Psychiatrist Prescribes O.R.
...As the resident-in-charge of the Psychopharmacology Clinic at the University of ...
COIN-OR in 2007
...The COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research (COIN-OR) is the ...
Eyes on Opportunities
...With all he's got going on, why would Don Kleinmuntz �� co-founder of Strata ...
DES: Strengths & Weaknesses
...This article presents the findings of an extensive three-stage screening process...
Smart Ops for the 21st Century
...Operations research has repeatedly demonstrated its versatility to make ...
Building, Operating a Hybrid Course
...This month's column concludes a short series on the notion of a "hybrid&...
Planning UMTS Radio Networks
...Commercial radio networks implementing the third-generation (3G) wireless radio ...
Research Videos: a Star is bORn
...Richard Larson's article "Web Video: Transformational Option for O.R."...
Revenue Management & Digital Marketing
...Revenue management and digital marketing are independent business processes that...
By Integration by Differentiation
...In my August 2007 column, I wrote about the growing expectations of, but also ...