Search Results

All search results for . 4241-4250 of 20203 results.

Volunteerism Alive and Well
...In the afterglow of the 2006 Annual INFORMS meeting in Pittsburgh, I can only ...

The Iraq Situation
...Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner...

O.R. Soars at Boeing
...Boeing is the world's leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of ...

The Arts and O.R.
...To the Editor: I was interested to read again about scheduling volunteers at the...

The Imposter Syndrome
...I can't remember how I felt on the day of my college graduation but I do ...

The Ex-Marine's Parable
...quot;If only management would listen to reason," the OR/MS analyst griped ...

Mass Customization
...You can get a Ford in "any color you want, as long as it's black." ...

When Disaster Strikes!
...Hurricane Katrina has dominated our news stories for the past several weeks. On ...

By Cliff Welborn
...Over the past year, I've heard my undergraduate engineering students even the...

O.R. for the Public Good
...St. Joseph Center is a charitable organization a 501(C)(3) in tax parlance...