Search Results

All search results for . 4331-4340 of 20203 results.

Return of the Lone Ranger
...Editor's note: The term "Lone Ranger" first rode into the ...

The Secret of Prejudice
...quot;Now you've done it," one of the friends gathered on a backyard sundeck...

Millenium Mania
...The ends of the second millennium and 20th century (even if they will not occur ...

National Security, Pandemics, Hoops and More
...When operations researchers ask in exasperation if anyone is listening to them, ...

Developments in ERP, E-Business Rock OR's World
...As the song goes, there is something happening here, and what it is isn't ...

Multiobjective Showcase Scheduling
...A popular dance studio in New York City holds ballroom dancing showcases twice a...

Criterium Decision Plus 3.0
...InfoHarvest Inc.'s ( latest version of Criterium Decision ...

The Golf Pro's Parable
...The OR/MS analyst swore as his drive once again sliced off to the right. "...

The Resettlement of Refugee Farmers
...Operations research, as we all know, has the uncanny ability to find application...

Hail the Giants
...Every calling is great when greatly pursued...