All search results for . 4201-4210 of 20203 results.
Michel L Balinski
Best Publication Award
...This award recognizes outstanding contributions to applied probability...
Rufus Isaacs
Teaching O.R. Modeling
...When I'm asked what the most important O.R. skill is for the majority of our ...
6th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learn
...Today, knowledge and intellectual capital plays a principal role in the delivery...
Game Theory: A 'Nobel' Pursuit
...Thomas C. Schelling...
The Nurse's Parable
...quot;Now, that wasn't too bad, was it?" the nurse asked, with a sunny smile...
Nobel Prize Winner Markowitz Recommends Economic Solutions at INFORMS Annual Meeting
...SAN DIEGO, CA, October 1, 2009 ��� University of California San Diego Adjunct ...
O.R.: It's a wonderful wORld!
...This is my last OR/MS Today President's Desk column. It has been an honor and a ...
1st International Congress on Computational Intelligence in Production Systems (CIPS09)