Search Results

All search results for . 6291-6300 of 19507 results.

COIN-OR Pays Off
...Computational O.R. researchers have long lacked a centralized, peer-reviewed ...

The Vintner's Parable
...The pale wine in the O.R. analyst's glass sparkled in the light from the ...

...1 e-Business in CE...

Remarkable Recovery Effort
...The e-mails started arriving in Jim Cochran's in-box at virtually the same time ...

Nobel Prize Winner Markowitz Recommends Economic Solutions at INFORMS Annual Meeting
...SAN DIEGO, CA, October 1, 2009 University of California San Diego Adjunct ...

The Schneider Enterprise
...From its beginning in 1935 when Al Schneider sold the family car to buy his ...

Teacher as Student
...quot;College teaching may be the only skilled profession for which no ...

8th european Conference on Information Warfare and Security
...The Seventh European Conference on Information Warfare and Security (ECIW) is an...

Living (and Learning) in the Digital World
...quot;Today's generation of kids is the most technology savvy group that this ...

4th International Conference on e-Learning
...The International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL) brings together academic ...