Search Results

All search results for . 6251-6260 of 19507 results.

Winter School on Network Optimization
...The Winter School on Network Optimization is organized by the Centro de ...

Alvin W. Drake
...Alvin W. Drake...

Not a Trivial Matter
...For longtime INFORMS member Saul Gass, whose career in operations research dates...

Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization
...Please accept our apologies if you received multiple copies of this call...

Beautiful Minds
...Giddy thoughts at 30,000 feet while winging home from the INFORMS fall meeting ...

What the Internet Has Not Done
...quot;Frontiers will disappear, nations will be brothers, civilization will ...

7th International Conference on Large Scale Scientific Computation - LSSC'09

Spreadsheet Modeling Is a Strategic Opportunity
...This is the fourth in an occasional series aimed at making management science ...

OPT 2008 Optimization for Machine Learning - NIPS*2008 Workshop

The Nurse's Parable
...quot;Now, that wasn't too bad, was it?" the nurse asked, with a sunny smile...