Search Results

All search results for . 4501-4510 of 20211 results.

Patients Aren't Widgets
...Health care systems are among the most challenging systems from an operations ...

Don't Shoot the Messenger
...By now, long-time readers of OR/MS Today are used to the question: If operations...

The Math Teacher's Parable
...The high school the O.R. analyst had attended somehow looked older and smaller ...

When Selling Stories, Consider the 'Who cares?' Factor
...Operations researchers often ask what it takes to interest a reporter on radio, ...

Second Thoughts on Citation Counts, Impact Factors

The Math Teacher's Parable
...The high school the O.R. analyst had attended somehow looked older and smaller ...

Frozen Moments in Time
...I am sitting at a table with two old friends. Nearly half a lifetime ago, the ...

Grand Challenges for O.R. and Engineering
...Recognizing that engineering advancements can "help people and the planet ...

Xpress-MP 2005A

Strengthening Supply Chains
...A great deal of literature promotes the virtues of global sourcing and ...