Search Results

All search results for . 4431-4440 of 20211 results.

One World for OR/MS
...A German shepherd walks into a telegraph office and writes out the message that ...

The Problem with Supply Chain Software
...A recent article by Eric Hellweg titled "Is supply-chain software the next ...

Operations Research Gives Profession a Bad Name
...As a practitioner of OR/MS, I must say that I am certainly encouraged by the ...

Preaching What He Practices
...As this historic year for INFORMS comes to a close, many within the OR/MS ...

On The Right Track
...In the mid-1990s, Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) was struggling if not to ...

The Trouble With Data
...Item: In the aftermath of Sept. 11, many OR/MS people were eager to help. Surely...

Dominizing Venus
...If you ask the proverbial man on the street to tell you what's happening in the ...

'Better' Campaign Doesn't Go Far Enough
...Side Stories...

Opportunity Knocks
...Amid all of the doom and gloom of the struggling economy and lousy job market ...

Wacky World of OR
...We all know that Americans take their football way too seriously. The same could...