Search Results

All search results for . 2071-2080 of 19484 results.

Lyn C. Thomas - IFORS Distinguished Lecturer
...IFORS Distinguished Lecturer...

Analytics Operations Engineering, Inc.
...By Mitchell Burman and Lauren Berk mburman@nltx.comAs you exit an eighth-...

Tools for Google Data
...Hal Varian, Google...

...Jonathan P. Caulkins...

Brian T. Denton
...Professor, Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan...

Gurobi Optimization
...By Edward RothbergIt is often said that the more focused a company is on doing ...

CIST Memorial: Sandra Ann Slaughter (2014)

Nicholas G. Hall
...Nicholas G. Hall served as the 24th President of INFORMS in 2018. Previously he ...

Dimitri P. Bertsekas - Optimization Society Prize

General Motors
...By Jonathan H. Owen, CAP, David J. Vander Veen and Lerinda L. FrosIn todays ...