Search Results

All search results for . 2061-2070 of 19484 results.

Bin Hong Alex Lee

Oral History interview with Walter (Ed) Cushen
...W. Edward Cushen (2015) Interview by Eugene Visco, December 4, 2015.This video ...

...By Brian Thomas Eck and Amber RichterThe mission of Google, Inc. is to ...

Oral History interview with Frederick Hillier
...Frederick Hillier (2015) Interview by Vijay Mehrotra, November 2, 2015.This ...

...Each year INFORMS grants several prestigious institute-wide prizes and awards ...

OR History Interview Donald P. Gaver, Jr.
...Donald Gaver (2015) Interview by Patricia Jacobs, July 1, 2015. Produced by the ...

Community Prizes

Gerard Cachon
...What interest do you have outside of work that might surprise us?Diving and ...

2015 INFORMS Awards
...Couldn't make it the the 2015 INFORMS Awards in Philadelphia? Watch the ceremony...

Don Morrison interview
...Don Morrison (2015) Interview by Peter Horner, April 11, 2015, Huntington Beach...