Search Results

All search results for . 19391-19400 of 19483 results.

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe OR/MS analyst had decided to branch out...

An Analysis of Incentive Structures in Collaborative Economy
...An Analysis of Incentive Structures in Collaborative Economy: an Application to ...

Proactive Customer Education, Customer Retention, and Demand for Technology Support
...Proactive Customer Education, Customer Retention, and Demand for Technology ...

Meaningful Healthcare Security
...Meaningful Healthcare Security: Does Meaningful-Use Attestation Improve ...

Putting Big Data To Work
...Presented by Bill Franks, TeradataBig data is everywhere. You cant avoid ...

Advanced Analytics: Empowering Operations Research

Colorado Springs Police Department Repeat Offender Model
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...

Network Inference for Monitoring Cyber-physical Systems
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...

Edelman Competition Videos
...Edelman Competition VideosThe Franz Edelman competition attests to the ...

Network Economics of Cyber Crime with Applications to Financial Service Organizations
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...