Search Results

All search results for . 19381-19390 of 19483 results.

...By K. Preston White Jr. and Graham RandLiterature review is fundamental to ...

International O.R. Insights: Sustainable Forest Planning and Management
...By Andrea Feunekes...

...Conference name: 8th International Conference on Software Engineering and ...

DATA 2013
...Conference Name: 2nd International Conference on Data Technologies and ...

...Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. All accepted and presented papers will ...

Software Survey: Decision Analysis
...By William M. PatchakTwo years have passed since OR/MS Today last surveyed the ...

INFORMS News: 2012 INFORMS International Conference
...The Forbidden City is a must-see for visitors to the 2012 INFORMS International ...

INFORMS News: Winter Simulation Conference
...The Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) has been the premier international forum ...

INFORMS News: INFORMS Combined Colloquia 2012
...The 2012 INFORMS Combined Colloquia will be held on Oct.12-13, the Friday and ...

Alex Huang