Search Results

All search results for . 1341-1350 of 20211 results.

Egon Balas: 1922–2019
...INFORMS is saddened to learn of the passing of INFORMS Fellow and esteemed ...

Treasurer Jim Bander
...Jim Bander...

Tired of waiting on a waiter? New research shows adding a tabletop device can improve restaurant service and revenue
...New Study Key Takeaways...

How measurable is online advertising?
...New research study identifies challenges for current measurement practices,&nbsp...

...Scott Nestler, CAPAssociate Teaching Professor; IT, Analytics, & ...

Data experts crunch numbers to optimize school bus routes

Researchers identify method to prioritize treatment strategies in hepatitis C in U.S. prison system
...Key takeaway: New research identifies guidelines for prioritizing the treatment ...

President-Elect Sheldon Jacobson
...Sheldon H. Jacobson...

Kamala Harris proposes cancelling $20,000 in student debt for these low-income borrowers, unleashing backlash on Twitter

NYPD unveils controversial algorithm to track crime patterns