Search Results

All search results for . 12781-12790 of 20211 results.

20th MINI-EURO CONFERENCE : Continuous Optimization and Knowledge-Based Technologies

CP-AI-OR 2001 Third International Workshop on the Integration of AI and OR Techniques
...The integration of techniques from AI and OR has shown in the past years...

The 21st Meeting of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization
...The ECCO annual meetings aim to bring together researchers in the field...

4th Cracow Conf on Graph Theory (CZORSZTYN '02)

Student Affairs Subcommittee
...The Student Affairs Committee supports and develops activities related to the ...

...The IV Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization will take place at the ...

15th Belgian Conference on Quantitative Methods and Decision Making
...The SOGESCI-BVWB invites you to attend the fifteenth ORBEL conference which will...

9th Conference on Integer Programming & Combinatorial Optimization
...The IPCO conferences, held every year in which no International...

...ORP3 is a EURO conference on OR designed for young researchers...

ICLP'01 Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems
...Multi-agent systems (MAS) have become an increasingly important area...