All search results for . 12741-12750 of 20211 results.
John von Neumann Theory Prize
...Committee Chair...
Hewlett-Packard Co.
...HP, the world's largest technology company, creates technology solutions that ...
CSX Railways
...Dharma Acharya, David Sellers, CSX Transportation; Michael Gorman, University of...
IBM Corporation
...IBM is a multinational computer, technology and IT consulting corporation ...
Marriott International
...Sharon Hormby, Julia Morrison, Prashant Dave, Michele Meyers, Tim Tenca, ...
INFORMS Conference: Optimizing the Extended Enterprise in the New Economy
...The conference on OR/MS...
International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF2002
...Major interdisciplinary meeting on forecasting...
11th INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference
...The topics of interest include but are not limited to...
INFORMS International 2001 Hawaii
...We invite you to present your latest research and applications in operations ...
10th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference
...Suggested areas for presentations include (but are certainly not limited to...