News Room

A collection of press releases, audio content and media clips featuring INFORMS members and their research.

INFORMS Applauds Passage of Historic Legislation to Modernize STEM Education
News Release

BALTIMORE, MD, September 26, 2024 – In overwhelming bipartisan fashion, the U.S. House of Representatives just passed the “Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Education Act,” (H.R. 1735) which, if enacted, would modernize STEM education in the United States. The bill passed by unanimous consent.

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Closing the Racial Gap in CRC: Screening is Just the First Step
Media Coverage

Too many people in the United States are dying of colorectal cancer (CRC). The #2 cancer killer in the United States, it impacts Black Americans disproportionately. Compared to White adults, Black adults aged 50 and above get colon cancer at a rate that’s 23% higher than White adults and have a 31% higher risk of dying from the disease.1 These disparities persist despite progress in screening and treatment and are particularly frustrating because CRC is highly treatable when caught in early stages and even preventable when pre-cancers are identified and removed through screening. These differences in incidence and mortality persist even while we have made progress to make screening more accessible to all. A 2019 NIH study showed that a similar proportion of Black and White Americans are up to date with CRC screening2, a meaningful improvement since 20053. If screening access and uptake are now so similar, why do these disparities persist?  

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Big Government and Big Tech both want your biometric data
Media Coverage

Both Amazon and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) are demanding the biometric data of all Americans.

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Resoundingly Human Podcast

An audio journey of how data and analytics save lives, save money and solve problems.

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Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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Tips on How to Have a Safe Summer Barbecue Amid Coronavirus

Tips on How to Have a Safe Summer Barbecue Amid Coronavirus

AJC, June 16, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has continued but with Georgia and other states around the country easing restrictions, some may wonder if it’s safe to invite friends over for a barbecue this summer. Experts say there’s no evidence that COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, can be transmitted through food or food packaging.

Big Red Data: Crunching Numbers to Fight COVID-19 and More

Big Red Data: Crunching Numbers to Fight COVID-19 and More

Cornell Chronicle, June 17, 2020

Data scientists never really know where their work is going to take them. David Shmoys, the Laibe/Acheson Professor of Business Management and Leadership Studies in the College of Engineering, has applied his mathematical tools to topics ranging from woodpecker populations to bike-sharing programs. When the COVID-19 global pandemic broke out, he shifted his attention to the biggest crisis of our time.

Did You Wash Your Hands?

Did You Wash Your Hands?

NPR, June 16, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has us all asking a lot of questions: How long will I have to practice "social distancing"? Will there be a cure for COVID-19? Can I ever touch my face again? WABE health reporter Sam Whitehead and guests will try to answer those questions. He'll talk with experts, public officials, journalists, and everyday people about how the coronavirus is affecting their lives.

New Research Says Displaying Fake Reviews Increases Consumer Trust in Review Platforms by 80%

New Research Says Displaying Fake Reviews Increases Consumer Trust in Review Platforms by 80%

News Release, June 18, 2020

CATONSVILLE, MD, June 18, 2019 – Many people are using COVID-19 quarantine to get projects done at home, meaning plenty of online shopping for tools and supplies. But do you buy blind? Research shows 97% of consumers consult product reviews before making a purchase. Fake reviews are a significant threat for online review portals and product search engines given the potential for damage to consumer trust. Little is known about what review portals should do with fraudulent reviews after detecting them. 

Experts Say Nevada Still in ‘First Wave’ of Coronavirus Cases

Experts Say Nevada Still in ‘First Wave’ of Coronavirus Cases

Las Vegas Review-Journal, June 16, 2020

When asked this week about the record numbers of new cases of the coronavirus in Clark County and in Nevada, some national and local health authorities agreed on a few key points. They agreed that the increases aren’t simply the result of more people getting tested and that reopening is playing a role in the spike, along with a certain amount of complacency regarding mask-wearing and social distancing.

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