All search results for . 9251-9260 of 20203 results.
Will supply meet demand this holiday shopping season?
An Interview on Neuro-Operations Management
Re: Behavioral science’s credibility is at risk...
Informing Tomorrow’s Leaders: The Advantages of INFORMS Student Membership
Partnership with US scholars helps keep Ukraine HE alive
From Data to Action: Plotting, Stage Setting and Directing Your Data-driven Ecosystem
Algorithms, evil or just misunderstood?
2024 INFORMS Conference on Service Science
Mining Nonlinear Dynamics In Operational Data For Process Improvement
...The emergence of nonlinear and nonstationary dynamics is common when multiple ...
[Aviation Webinar] The Airline Retailing Revolution and how Revenue Management will lead the way
...Airlines are on the cusp of modernizing fare shopping to a more "Amazon-...