All search results for . 8561-8570 of 20203 results.
Jonathan Owen
...Jonathan H. Owen is the Director of Operations Research at GM Research and ...
INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS welcomes new members
...INFORMS welcomes the following new members who joined the Institute in November ...
Be the first to check out the newest issue of OR/MS Tomorrow!!
...Dear INFORMS Student Members,We are happy to inform you that the new Fall/Winter...
...Doug���OK, Jack,��� said the doctor, concluding...
Franz Edelman Laureates: Class of 2014
...FIRST PLACE Team...
...Welcome to the 17th annual special international issue of OR/MS Today. As always...
Minority Issues Forum Student Poster Competition Application Process
...For information on the application process of the Minority Issues Forum Student ...
CDC Wins INFORMS Edelman Award, Leading Prize in Analytics, O.R. for Polio Eradication
...Boston, MA, March 31, 2014 ��� The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and ...
Gabriel Zayas-Caban
Selin Merdan