Search Results

All search results for . 8011-8020 of 20203 results.


...2013 Annual Symposium onManagement, Operations Research and Economics...

Innovative Education: Rethinking O.R. teacher training
...By Peter C. Bell...

Innovative Education: Shaping tomorrow’s problem solvers
...By Jeff Kline...

Innovative Education: Educating the next generation of data scientists
...By Deepinder Dhingra and Meena Anantha Padmanabhan...

Innovative Education: Early O.R. education
...By Kenneth Chelst and Thomas Edwards...

Innovative Education: Optimal learning
...By Warren B. Powell...

Innovative Education: Operational teamwork produces successful capstone experience
...By Karl Reimers and Ellen Jordan...

INFORMS News: Annual Meeting in Phoenix
...By Ron AskinThe 2012 INFORMS Annual Meeting will be held Oct. 14-17 at the ...

INFORMS News: Make your vote count
...The election for president-elect and other officers on the INFORMS Board of ...