Search Results

All search results for . 711-720 of 19484 results.

INFORMS News: People
...Richard Larson (left) receives the Lawrence R. Klein Award from Deborah Klein at...

CAP Program launches new certification for early career analytics professionals
...New Associate CAP Program features 7 University Analytics Program Partners ...

INFORMS member working to enhance oil system safety

In Memoriam: Marius M. Solomon, 1955-2016
...Marius M. Solomon, a longtime professor at Northeastern University, an INFORMS ...

The science of soup

Lanchester, Frederick W.

INFORMS News: Scenes from Nashville 2016
...Clockwise, from right: The Nashville skyline provided a picturesque backdrop for...

Nicholson Jr., George E.

INFORMS News: Conference snapshot survey – Analytics student population continues to grow
...The population of students studying analytics is increasing, according to an ...

Erlang, Agner Krarup