Search Results

All search results for . 6811-6820 of 19508 results.

Cook, Thomas M.

Double-Digit Growth for Firms that Create Own Online Communities
...CATONSVILLE, MD, May 4, 2015 - A new study published in Marketing Science, a ...

April | Volume 42 | Number 2
...The following table of contents lists articles in the April 2015 edition of&nbsp...

Baker, Kenneth R.

Whitt, Ward

OR Forum: Design of Risk Weights
...In the November-December 2014 issue of Operations Research we have chosen to ...

Kazakhstan National Railway
...How a railway-planning model helped develop a scheduled, market-driven, customer...

Wolsey, Laurence A.

Barlow, Richard E.

Chilean soccer league scheduling
...Faced with a long list of constraints, O.R. group scores with efficient ...