Search Results

All search results for . 6401-6410 of 19507 results.

O.R. Credentialing
...Apart from a formal university degree, there are currently no broadly accepted ...

School of Hard Knocks
...I'm sitting in my office trying to come up with a solid topic for this column. I...

Can Data Mining Turn Up Terrorists?

OM and 'Vegas Night'
...Introductory operations management courses traditionally cover basic concepts on...

The Referee's Parable
...quot;Well, well!" the appliance repairman sang out cheerfully as our hero ...

The Clicker System
...In the October 2008 "Issues in Education" column, professors Leon, ...

Competing Risks and Realities
...American leaders have stressed the importance of leading normal lives in the ...

Statgraphics Centurion XV
...Statgraphics is a full-featured statistical software product designed to compete...

And the survey says ...
...From a pure manpower point of view, the most labor-intensive editorial projects ...

'Cooking' Up a Challenge
...Now is probably not the best time in the world to take a job with a software ...