Search Results

All search results for . 6101-6110 of 19507 results.

The Keys to the Vault
...For the business school management science course to thrive, students need to ...

B2B Exchanges: Charity Begins at Home
...Executives in many companies want to know what to make of B2B exchanges and ...

Big Benefits for Big Blue
...After many years of hard work in the field, operations research has become an ...

Drafts, Dynasties and Dance Cards
...A lot of our students love sports. Regrettably, many are terrified of ...

Procedures vs. Models
...If a tree falls in a forest when there is no one around, does it make a sound? ...

In Defense of Smart People
...Challenging Conventional Wisdom...

Satisfying Industry's Needs

Operations Research Gives Profession a Bad Name
...As a practitioner of OR/MS, I must say that I am certainly encouraged by the ...

Defining Expectations Delivering Satisfaction
...In most types of organizations, operations research skills can be used to ...

A Modest Proposal
...There were smiles around the long, massive conference table in the walnut-...