Search Results

All search results for . 6011-6020 of 20204 results.

Bernard Benecke

Jose Guajardo

Sripad Devalkar

Mazhar Arikan

Tava Lennon Olsen

Steve Nahmias

INFORMS News: Winter Simulation Conference 2011
...The 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) will be held in Phoenix, Ariz., Dec...

INFORMS News: INFORMS Annual & International Meetings
...INFORMS Annual & International Meetings2011...

UPS wins Gartner BI Excellence Award
...UPS was awarded the 2011 Gartner Business Intelligence (BI) Excellence Award ...

Software Survey: Statistical Analysis
...In the kingdom of the blind, The one-eyed man is king Erasmus, 1510By James J...