Search Results

All search results for . 3371-3380 of 19493 results.

INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS officer nominations
...The INFORMS Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the positions of ...

INFORMS NEWS: Award Finalists and Winners
...Franz Edelman Award (2013 Finalists...

INFORMS NEWS: INFORMS Professional Colloquium
...The INFORMS Professional Colloquium (IPC) will be held April 7 in conjunction ...

INFORMS NEWS: Early Career Connection
...By Genetha Gray and Erica KlampflIn 2010, the INFORMS Practitioners Conference ...

INFORMS NEWS: Edelman finalists announced
...Six diverse organizations have been named finalists for the 2013 Edelman Award ...

INFORMS NEWS: Student analytics scholarship competition
...The Analytics Section of INFORMS is sponsoring a competitive scholarship program...

INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Annual Workshop 2013

...In 2011 INFORMS introduced a new, highly focused brand of conference with a ...

Saeed Ghadimi

INFORMS Marketing Science Society Conference 2014