All search results for . 3231-3240 of 20203 results.
IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2005
Myths and Reality of Productivity Miracles and Failures in Transitional Economies
...Organized by: UPEG (Ukrainian Productivity and Efficiency Group) at EROC/EERC-...
Mathematical Methods in Economics 2006
...A traditional international annual meeting of the Czech Society for Operational ...
...TOPICS: Computational fluid dynamics, Computational Acoustics, Computational ...
Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing
The 11th M&SOM Conference
...The eleventh MSOM Conference, the annual meeting of the INFORMS Society on ...
Spring Simulation Multiconference 2006 (SpringSim'06)
...A proclamation by Bob Riley, Governor of Alabama, has designated the first week ...
International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization
...An International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization dedicated...
IJCAI-05 Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling
...Workshop Goals...
21st Century: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
...Conference regarding Issues of Robotics research anf Artificial Intelligence...