Search Results

All search results for . 2771-2780 of 19485 results.

Successful Supply Chain Management: How Management Science Can Help
...INFORMS Speaker: Timothy J. Lowe, Tippy College of Business, University of Iowa...

2012 Edelman Finalist Danaos
...Operations Research in Ship Management: Maximizing Fleet-Wide Revenue Routing at...

Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment
...INFORMS Speaker: Eva K. Lee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of ...

2012 Edelman Finalist CDC
...Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Advancing Public Health and Medical ...

New Research on the Theory of Waiting Lines (Queues), Including the Psychology of Queuing
...INFORMS Speaker: Dick Larson, 'Dr. Queue', MITA sneak peek at Dick Larson's ...

2012 Edelman Finalist Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group
...Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group Maximizes Revenue through Improved Demand Management...

2012 Edelman Winner TNT Express
...Supply Chain-Wide Optimization at TNT ExpressTNT Express is one of the world's ...

Gala Videos
...Edelman Gala VideosSince 1972, INFORMS and the OR/MS and analytics community has...

2013 Edelman Finalist Baosteel
...Operations Research Transforms Baosteels OperationsShanghai Baoshan Iron and ...

2016 Edelman Competition Videos
...The 2016 Franz Edelman Competiton was held in Orlando, Florida on April 11...