Search Results

All search results for . 2661-2670 of 19484 results.

John Magee Video chapter 5, Publication and the Promotion of the OR Group

BNSF Railway
...By Amy CasasWhen people think of railroads, what often comes to mind are ...

John Magee Video chapter 4, Arthur D Little and the Origins of Professional OR

Institute for Defense Analyses
...By David E. HunterFounded in 1956, the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) is a...

Al Roth - Market design: The Economist Engineer
...Al Roth...

...By Kathy LangeSAS is the worlds largest privately held software company, with...

Scalable Heuristics for a Class of Chance-Constrained Stochastic Programs
...Jean-Paul Watson...

Terry P. Harrison, CAP
...How do you define "analytics"?I use the INFORMS definition of the ...

Clovis Gonzaga - Optimization Society Prize

Farid Alizadeh - Optimization Society Prize
...Rutgers School of Business and RUTCOR...