All search results for . 251-260 of 20081 results.
Breast Cancer and O.R.
...Let me distract you from Christmas and your glass of mulled wine with a question...
The Branding Dilemma
...In my first president's column, I said that unlocking the latent demand for our ...
A Passion for Publications
...INFORMS President-Elect Mark Daskin, who takes over the presidential reins on ...
Teaching O.R. Modeling
...When I'm asked what the most important O.R. skill is for the majority of our ...
GAUSS Mathematical and Statistical System 5.0
...The world of Aptech Systems' GAUSS Mathematical and Statistical System (GAUSS) 5...
Fleet Manager Milks Efficiency out of Dairy Company
...New Zealand dairy companies are faced with the question of how to collect milk ...
'COIN' of the O.R. Realm
...The development of digital infrastructure and the ability to collaborate ...
Game Theory: A 'Nobel' Pursuit
...Thomas C. Schelling...
A Piece of Punjab in Poland
...On a recent trip to the beautiful medieval city of Krak��w, I found a restaurant...
Alvin W. Drake
...Alvin W. Drake...