All search results for . 20051-20060 of 20203 results.
Three Universities Selected as Finalists for the 2022 UPS George D. Smith Prize
...INFORMS Prize Recognizes Excellence in Teaching Operations Research and ...
Russia’s war with Ukraine could permanently reshape the global supply chain
Where have all the competitive districts gone?
'Recognize it, monitor it, audit it': Taking action to avoid biased healthcare AI
Obesity: public transport reduces the risk
Trade war launched by Trump proven futile, say academics
$29 Trillion And Counting: Is The US Economy Headed For A Debt Crisis?
Optimizing Systems and Processes to Improve Americans’ Access to Organ Transplantation
...BALTIMORE, MD, March 16, 2022 ��� New audio is available for media use featuring...
Legacy Giving
...Planned gifts provide a meaningful way of making a significant impact on INFORMS...
How the War in Ukraine Is Further Disrupting Global Supply Chains