Search Results

All search results for . 18611-18620 of 20203 results.

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...Supply Chain Management Software SurveyPage 12...

Healthcare: Measuring medical policy changes with O.R.
...By Sumana Reddy and Harrison SchrammHow can advanced statistical methods be made...

Dynamic Learning of Patient Response Types: An Application to Treating Chronic Diseases
...Therapies for a number of chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Crohns...

Competitive Strategies for Brick-and-Mortar Stores to Counter “Showrooming”
...Todays consumer leverages different channels to acquire information before ...

2019 Syngenta Crop Challenge in Analytics focuses on improving water optimization in corn

Advancing wireless communication: FCC awarded the 2018 INFORMS Edelman Award, the leading award in analytics and operations research

Trick, a member of FCC team, honored for operations research

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...Supply Chain Management Software SurveyPage 13...

Analytics and Bikes: Riding Tandem with Motivate to Improve Mobility
...Bike-sharing systems are now ubiquitous across the U.S. We have worked with ...

Federal Communications Commission