All search results for . 18511-18520 of 20203 results.
Al Roth - Market design: The Economist Engineer
...Al Roth...
Scalable Heuristics for a Class of Chance-Constrained Stochastic Programs
...Jean-Paul Watson...
Tools for Google Data
...Hal Varian, Google...
...By Brian Thomas Eck and Amber RichterThe mission of Google, Inc. is ���to ...
CIST Memorial: Sandra Ann Slaughter (2014)
...Each year INFORMS grants several prestigious institute-wide prizes and awards ...
Dimitri P. Bertsekas - Optimization Society Prize
Community Prizes
Clovis Gonzaga - Optimization Society Prize
Trends in Research Publications INFORMS Editors' Panel
...INFORMS Annual MeetingSan Francisco, CA, November 2014...