All search results for . 17821-17830 of 20211 results.
Ronghuo Zheng
Zachary Zhong
Studies suggests link between testosterone, stock market instability
‘Undoing’ the teaching of analytics
...Analytics challenges can destroy mental models that decision-makers have used ...
Why stand in line on Black Friday? The psychology explained
INFORMS O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition Student Competition - Honorable Mention
...University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill...
Advice: Be yourself, be enthusiastic, be prepared.
...Teaching of OR/MS Practice Award-winning professor���s advice: be yourself, be ...
INFORMS O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition Student Competition - Honorable Mention
...Universit�� Catholique de Louvain...
INFORMS O.R. & Analytics Student Team Competition Student Competition - Third Place
...Universit�� Catholique de Louvain (Team 2...