All search results for . 17411-17420 of 20211 results.
John Fowler
OR, analytics make government more efficient
Management Science Introduces Fast Track Submission Process
...Recently, the editorial board of Management Science introduced Fast Track, a ...
Sponsorship programs could actually widen the gender gap
Machines know when someone’s about to attempt suicide. How should we use that information?
Nuno Ribeiro
OR/MS Today Software Surveys
...NEW Forecasting - 6/10/18Vehicle Routing - 2/17/18Simulation - 10...
Study of Syrian War yields the creation of new predictive model for attrition dynamics in multilateral war
...Key Takeaway: Unless there is a player so strong it can guarantee a win ...
Fighting the terrorist threat online: New research can identify extremists online, even before they post dangerous content
...Key takeaway: By identifying and removing extremist users from social media ...
Syrian War yields new predictive model for attrition dynamics in multilateral war