Search Results

All search results for . 17171-17180 of 20211 results.

Challenges of Implementing O.R. in the Healthcare Industry
...Includes: The Challenge of Lean; Working with Health Professionals Who Think O.R...

INFORMS Executive Director invited to join leadership roundtable

Career options as a data analyst

M&SOM welcomes…. Business Analytics (BA) Applications in Operations Management
...Many organizations (police departments, non-profit healthcare organizations, etc...

Immigration Executive Order impacts researchers and scientists

INFORMS Analytics Conference draws data professionals in 2017

Operations Research & Analytics
...container-fluid {padding: 0!important; margin: 0...

What’s Really Behind Overtesting?
...Photo: Ocular Imaging Room at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC...

Safe and Effective Crowd Control
...The Hajj the great Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah in Saudi Arabia is known...

Congratulations to INFORMS members elected to the National Academy of Engineering