Search Results

All search results for . 1621-1630 of 20203 results.

International Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Ad Hoc Communications (PCAC'06)
...Aim and scope...

INFORMS Practice Conference: Applying Science to the Art of Business
...Chair: Karl G. Kempf, Intel CorporationSponsored by INFORMS...

18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS)

Sixth Annual International Symposium on Supply Chain Management
...Academics as well as practitioners have praised the relaxed pace of ...

The 16th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
...The International Conference on Automated Planning & Scheduling...

...Morphometrics is the study of shape variation in organisms and its...

2006 Meeting on Network Data Analysis and Data Mining
...The general theme involves data analysis of various types of networks, and as is...

6th International Workshop on Rare Event Simulation (RESIM 2006)
...RESIM 2006 is the 6th workshop in a series of successful events held on the same...

Military Applications Society Conference
...Sponsored by INFORMS Military Applications SocietyDescription: Homeland Security...

...he aim of the 7th annual European GAME-ON Conference (GAME-ON '2006) on ...