All search results for . 16041-16050 of 20211 results.
DIMACS Workshop on Computers in Scientific Discovery III
13th European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation and Management
...Now in its 13th year, ECITE may be regarded as one of the longer established ...
Games in Design and Verification GDV 2005
...The goal of the GDV 2004 workshop is to bring together researchers...
Twenty-First Annual IEEE Symposium on LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LICS 2006)
...The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and practical...
Molecular Mechanisms and Models of Bacterial Signal Transduction
FOCLASA 2005 4th International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages
...A Satellite Workshop of CONCUR 2005...
DIMACS Workshop on Data Mining, Systems Analysis, and Optimization in Neuroscience
Sixth International Workshop on Distributed Shared Memory on Clusters
The 6th Annual MOPTA (Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications)
...Plenary speakers include...