All search results for . 14721-14730 of 20231 results.
First Workshop on Formal Verification of Analog Circuits
...Scope:While formal verification has become part of the design process of digital...
2005 INFORMS Conference on OR/MS Practice: Applying Science to the Art of Business
...Real-world applications...
Introductory Tutorials in Optimization, Search, and Decision Support
...Sponsored by...
5th EUROSIM Conference on Modeling and Simulation
MIC2005: 6th Metaheuristics International Conference
...MIC2005Vienna aims at bringing together researchers in several fields (...
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2006 Pittsburgh
1st Quantitative Marketing and Economics Conference
...Quantitative Marketing and Economics hosts an annual conference featuring ...
The 12th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference
Optimal Control and Dynamic Games: Workshop in Honor of Suresh Sethi
...Suresh Sethi, Ashbel Smith Professor and Director of Center for Intelligent ...
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2007 Seattle