All search results for . 12261-12270 of 20203 results.
Russell James Funk
A guided tour of the INFORMS history website
...INFORMS committee creates website devoted to the history of operations research ...
Andrea Montanari
Hila Lifshitz-Assaf
Feng Bai
Jack Levis
How to Improve Decision Making in Supply Chains
INFORMS NEWS: Dantzig Dissertation Award
...Dantzig Dissertation Award winner Alexandre Jacquillat (l) receives ...
INFORMS News: Levis earns INFORMS President’s Award
...President���s Award winner Jack Levis (l) with INFORMS President Robin Keller....
INFORMS NEWS: Levis, Robinson receive Kimball Medals
...Kimball Medal winners Anne Robinson and Jack Levis with INFORMS President Robin ...