The Impact of Remote Learning | Stats + Stories Episode 189
Parents, educators, and activists have all raised concerns about the impact of COVID on the educational experience of students. For high school students, these issues are amplified as they consider graduation and what may come after. The impact of COVID on high school grades is a focus of this episode of Stats and Stories with guest Harrison Schramm. Harrison Schramm is a Principal Research Scientist at Group W as well as President-Elect at the Analytics Society of INFORMS. Prior to joining INFORMS he was a Senior Fellow at Center For Strategic And Budgetary Assessments and has been a leader in the Operations Research community for the past decade. Before that, he had a successful career in the US Navy, where he served as a Helicopter Pilot, Military Assistant Professor at the Naval Postgraduate School, and as a lead Operations Research Analyst in the Pentagon. His areas of emphasis were large-scale simulation models, statistics, optimization, and applied probability. His research interests lie at the intersection of data and mathematical models.