Country: Bahrain (BHR)
The conference offers an excellent opportunity for scientists, innovators, and engineers to interact, share experiences and present their latest research with peers in a multidisciplinary engineering background. This conference also includes tutorials and workshops as well as an industrial exhibition.
Paper submission is done through EDASQuick link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=19583&track=70645
Please select one of the below topics in the track number 7 (Economics and Business Engineering):
7.1 Business Process Engineering.
7.2 Financial Engineering Economy
7.3 Supply Chain Management
7.4 Decision Analysis and Methods
7.5 Operation Research
7.6 Modeling and Simulation
All submitted papers should not exceed 6 pages and will be peer-reviewed and will be published in the IEEE Conference Proceedings. Moreover, extended version of these papers will be considered for publication in a special issue in the International Journal of Services and Operations Management (indexed in Scopus/Elsevier).
- Paper submission: May 15, 2016
- Acceptance decision: July 31, 2016
- Final version of paper submission: September 30, 2016
- Final deadline for discounted fee: September 01, 2016
- Conference dates: Noveember 6-9, 2016
Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and associates who could be interested in it.
For all queries regarding the conference track “Economics and Business Engineering”, please contact [email protected]. Further information is available on the conference website http://sites.ieee.org/gcc-2016/.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Bahrain soon.
Best Regards
Dr. Hatem Masri
For the 9th IEEE-GCC conference organizing committee