PURPOSE **********
Workshop on Networks in Computational Biology 2006 aims at giving an overview and presenting most recent and important interdisciplinary contributions
by applied mathematics to the wealth of biological
networks focusing on theory, methodology, and
applications. Based on the variety of scientific backgrounds and experience combined for this special scientific event, the theory of optimization, both continuous and discrete, dynamical systems, data mining procedures, and the theory relating to inverse problems will be addressed. The main challenge and principal goal of the workshop is to contribute to the mathematical
foundations of computational biology. We expect to learn from
each other and with our students, and to get inspired to pursuing
common future research projects in this field and its applications,
thus serving our people and fostering a better and fruitful understanding between our nations.
include but are not limited to:
o Modeling, Dynamics and Predicition of Gene Patterns
o Structure and Dynamics of Gene Networks
o Phylogenetic Trees and Classification
o Biomolecular Sequence Analysis
o Protein Structure Prediction
o The Role of RNA in Genome Regulation o Modeling, Dynamics and Predicition of Metabolic
o Metabolic Networks
o Nihat Ay, Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences,
Leipzig, Germany
o Fatihcan Atay, Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the
Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
o Torker Biyikoglu, Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the
Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
o Jerry L.R. Chandler, George Mason University, Krasnow
Institute for Advanced Study, Fairfax, USA o Jorgen Jost, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the
Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
o Andreas Dress, Max-Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany, and
CAS-MPG Partner Institute on Computational Biology, Shanghai,
o Peter F. Stadler, Institut fuer Informatik and IZBI, Universitaet
Leipzig, Germany