3rd International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools
October 20-24, 2008, Athens, Greece
In cooperation with ACM (SIGSIM)
Full paper due: April 18, 2008
Notification of acceptance: July 4, 2008
Final version due: July 25, 2008
In recent years, a range of performance evaluation methodologies and tools has been developed within disparate research communities for the purposes of evaluation, design, and model reduction. The aim of the Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools conference is to build bridges between these communities, bringing theory and practice together in order to:
- compare and debate the complete range of performance evaluation methodologies and their implementation into tools;
- promote interdisciplinary flow of technical information among industry systems designers and researchers.
Performance Evaluation Techniques will be drawn from the following:
- Advanced Simulation Tools (Simulation of Rare Events, Parallel/Distributed Simulation, Variance reduction techniques, Large deviations, Hybrid System simulation)
- Stochastic Processes (Stochastic geometry, Long-range dependence, Self-similarity, Point processes, Traffic models and measurements)
- Discrete Event Systems (Petri Nets, Max-plus algebra, Automata)
- Queuing Theory (Network Calculus, Analytical Models, Approximation Methods, (In)Sensitivity, Dynamic Fluid Models, Diffusion Models, Dam Processes, Perturbation Approaches, Control of Queues)
- Optimization Theory and Control (Supervisory Control, Reliability/Performability tools)
- Neural Networks and Decision Theory
- Graph Theory and Discrete Mathematics
- Game Theory and Pricing
Envisaged Applications are drawn from, but not limited to:
- Computer Networks (Peer-to-peer Networks, Traffic Control Services)
- Computer Systems (Grid Computing)
- Communication Systems
- Wireless Networks (MAC, Routing, Cellular, Ad Hoc Sensor, and Hybrids)
- Distributed Systems
- Road Traffic and Transportation Systems
- Public Utility Networks
- Manufacturing Systems and Supply Chains
- Call Centers
- Economic, Biological, and Social Systems
PAPERS WILL APPEAR IN ACM DIGITAL LIBRARY. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Performance Evaluation Journal (confirmed) and Discrete Events Dynamic Systems Journal (approval pending).
Valuetools 2008 features 5 co-located workshops (to be held on Oct 20 and 24):
- Inter-Perf (Workshop on interdisciplinary approaches in performance evaluation and design of Computer and Communications Systems)
- MODENETs (Workshop on Modeling and Design of Wireless Mesh Networks)
- GameComm (Workshop on Game Theory for Communication Networks)
- WNS2 (Workshop on NS2)
- SMCTools (Tools for solving Structured Markov Chains)
Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 10 pages in A