CATS is the premier theoretical computer science conference in Australasia. It is held annually as part of Australasian Computer Science Week (ASCW) which comprises many other conferences and is overseen by the Computer Research and Education Association (CORE).
CATS 2006 will be the twelfth time that CATS has been held.
The symposium will consist of invited talks and formal paper presentations. All papers will be fully refereed with proceedings published by CRPIT.
Papers are invited on all aspects of Theoretical Computer Science. Some representative, but not exclusive, topics include the following:
logic and type systems
semantics of programming languages
formal program specification and transformation
concurrent, parallel and distributed systems
algorithms and data structures
automata theory and formal languages
computational complexity
applications of discrete mathematics and optimisation
Full papers for CATS 2006 should be submitted electronically no later than Friday, 19th of August, 2005. Submissions must be original work, not published or submitted elsewhere. All submissions will be refereed. Accepted papers will appear in the published proceedings.
Important Dates
Submission of abstracts August 3, 2005
Submission of full papers August 19, 2005
Notification of authors October 3, 2005
Final version due October 28, 2005
Author registration October 28, 2005
Conference January 16-January 19, 2006