The 9th ACM/IEEE* International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
* ACM and IEEE pending upon Approval
Submission deadline: May 8th, 2006
*Scope and Overview:
ACM/IEEE MSWiM 2006 is the Ninth Annual International Symposium on
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems.
MSWiM is an international forum dedicated to high level discussion
of Wireless and Mobile systems, networks, algorithms and applications,
with an emphasis on rigorous performance evaluation.
MSWiM is a highly selective conference that is recognized as one of
the most prestigious sources of innovative ideas and breakthroughs
in the field. MSWiM 2006 will be held October 2 to 6, 2006,
in sunny Terremolinos, in Spain.
Authors are encouraged to submit full papers presenting new research
related to the theory or practice of all aspects of modeling, analysis
and simulation of mobile and wireless systems. Submitted papers must
not have been published elsewhere nor currently be under review by
another conference or journal.
*Topics of Interest. Papers related to wireless and mobile network
Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Simulation are solicited on, but not
limited to, the following topics:
- Analytical Models
- New simulation languages and tools for wireless systems
- Design methodologies
- Performance evaluation and modeling
- Formal methods for analysis of wireless systems
- Wireless Network Protocols
- Wireless Multimedia Systems
- Tools, Prototype and Testbeds
- Wireless PANs, LANs
- Survivability and reliability evaluation
- Ad Hoc Networks
- Traffic measurements and models for wireless networks
- Sensor and Actuator Networks
- RF channel capacity modeling and analysis
- Pervasive computing and emerging models
- QoS provisioning in wireless and mobile networks
- Integration of wired and wireless systems
- Security and privacy of mobile/wireless systems
- Mobility modeling and management
- Algorithms and protocols for energy efficent operation and power control
- Mobile applications, system software and algorithms
- Parallel and distributed simulation of wireless systems