The workshop aims to bring together academic and industrial researchers in the area of integrated performance and dependability modeling, with emphasis on bridging theory and practice. Theoretical contributions as well as application-oriented work are welcome. Case studies and industrial applications of performability modeling and evaluation are solicited in the field of computer and communication systems as well as in related fields, such as flexible manufacturing systems, product-in-process software development, medical systems, transportation systems, and complex infrastructures.
According to the traditions of the PMCCS series, the workshop will be characterized by open and intense discussions on various topics in performability modeling and analysis, based on recent work of the participants.
This year PMCCS, in addition to regular sessions, organizes SPECIAL SESSIONS to emphasize the following areas (naturally, submissions are not limited to these topics):
- performability issues of power-limited devices
- performability management of autonomic and self-managed systems
- performability issues in the biological domain
- performability issues in cluster/grid computing
- Submission due date: June 20, 2005
- Notification: July 18, 2005
- Camera-ready copies due: July 31, 2005
- Registration: TBA